Amitofu Grasshoppers!
Thanks to our webpage Guru Dan Mills we now have a new members only section in which you will be able to access different information and media in the coming weeks. I have just placed one post on the inside ankle sweep in this section. Newsletters will also be posted on the site.
Just go to the log in section on our webpage,located to the left and click “LOG IN” without entering any details. You will then be taken to the LOG IN PAGE which is a white page with our logo. Here click “REGISTER” written in blue under the username and password section on the log in page. Complete your details here,
then send me an email so I can approve your access.
ALL STUDENTS MUST use their First & Last names for their user-names and a password will be generated.
Students can then access the members page by going to the Resources Bar at the top right of the page and access links and post after having logged in.
Hope this makes sense! ?????
Amitofu Si-Fu