Firstly, we would like you to contact us by phone or email to arrange your visit and introductory lesson at our training centre. From here, we will explain and answer any questions or concerns [...]
Casual and term payments available with discounts available for two or more children. Lessons are conducted at the Kingborough Sports Centre and Launceston University Sports Centre during State [...]
Firstly, Traditional Wing Chun is the only martial art system not a style making it easier to apply in real self defence. It is one of the only systems to use scientific principles. Wing Chun [...]
No, our lessons are professionally supervised by qualified male and female Traditional Wing Chun instructors. While some of our activities require partner training, all activities are controlled [...]
Yes, our current program is tailor made to address teaching children from the age of 6 through to 12 years of age. Students practice and progress at their own pace. We also have separate [...]
Yes, Traditional Wing Chun training is a whole body and conditioning exercise program utilising ancient Eastern training methodologies with Western sports science. It is a low to moderately [...]
The main focus is developing children’s confidence, control and coordination in a fun and safe “family based’ atmosphere. Stranger danger and danger awareness are also components of our Kung Fu [...]
Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu is a self defence system based on human movement. It is perfectly suited to children and people of smaller stature as it does not place emphasis on size, strength [...]
Firstly, we would like you to contact us by phone, email or our online booking form or alternatively visit our training center where you can view our facilities and meet our instructors. From [...]
Firstly, Traditional Wing Chun is the only martial art system to be developed by a Buddhist Nun. It is a martial art based on science, all other martial arts can only fight front on, therefore [...]